Delivery Calculator

Use the form below to calculate the delivery cost to your location

Calculate your cost of delivery

Our delivery rates are calculated based on distance, date and time.

Please provide all information for the most accurate delivery estimate.

Please enter a valid postcode
Miles: 0
Rate: £0
Total: £0
Total Cost: £0
0 miles at £0 per mile.

Our standard delivery fees are 75p per mile for prepared platters or £1.50 per mile for Grazing Tables.

Depending on the event/delivery time and date, further costs may be added to the rate per mile, such as;

  • Bank Holidays, National Holidays, 20th Dec to 3rd Jan will result in an additional £0.75 per mile.
  • Any day before 8am or after 8pm will result in an additional £0.75 per mile.

For large orders, repeat customers, or orders within our direct local area (S17, Dore) we may offer complimentary free delivery at our discretion.

Please note, that all our prepared platters are available for collection for free.

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